Where to find us

Sommeransicht Prangerhof Trins, Gschnitztal

By train

In Steinach there is an express train station with direct connection via Munich, Salzburg, Verona and Zürich. Additionally, there are hourly regional trains between Innsbruck and Brenner (Italy) with a direct bus connection to Trins and Gschnitz.

Free travel on public transport from Innsbruck - on presentation of a voucher. Please ask us for it in advance!


By car

If you get on the Brennerautobahn (A 13) at Innsbruck, please exit at Matrei and continue on the Brennerbundesstraße (A 182). If you want to save the toll you can go on to the A 182 right after the Bergisel Tunnel and continue on this road until Steinach (this route is quite curvey).


When you get to Steinach there is a roundabout traffic. Please leave the first exit for Trins. After 4 km you reach Trins. In the center of the village (below the church) there is a small parking lot on the right (50 m after the Hotel "Wienerhof"). Please turn downwards left. After 100 m at the end of the lane there is our farmhouse.

Welcome to the Prangerhof!

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